Danny Scully's web site of the completely useless.
Danny Scully's web page of the Completely useless
(written in 1998 when danny was in 8th grade) (he is now in college and expotentially less mature, he does silly things like the video below:)

Knock, Knock.
Who is there?
Little old lady.
Little old lady who?
I didn't know you could Yodel!
That is just a taste of The Cutting edge humor you will encounter on this web site. If you liked that joke Then go to the   Humor Section,   click on it go go to it. humor section

Bad news only   Days until I can get my Driver's License. The roads will never be save again.

New I Now also have   Movie reviews  !!
For movie I either loved or thought were a bunch of Hooie.

The Long list of Stuff

Below are the many things you can do on my site this section includes all the click on the answer quizes, the link to my page of Movie reveiws and my page of links to other useful sites.

first here are the click on the right answer quizes. Clicking on the following titles to go to the related quize The question will apear at the very top of the page:

Hey the far side comic quiz below is messed up none of the comics load fixing them is # 427 on my to do list.

Boston's Flood
Cross Country
Big Canoe
Buildings are Tall.
92,419 feet
Shake's Beer
CD's Rating
The Masters
A long war
seeing movies
A question in which Jake Odmark is the right answer
War ow ah what is it good for? triva questions
Movies are long
energy of the world
This next one is not a muitiple choice question
Let's talk about cars
Where does spam come from? do you want to know?
Austine Powers Ya E Ya!
Kato My little yellow friend.
state with no name

Also here is my NEWS section:
All the News that's fit to print

I Have stopped writing my weekly column until summer starts again. but there is still two months worth of   old columns here  .

remember the   Movie reviews 
If you are having any trouble with anything on this web site go to the   HELP   section

To e-mail me your questions and comments about my site or send me a digital picture of the world's largest bowl of clam chowder or   what ever   click there.

Go to my page of famous quotes from Kelvin Coolidge This page also includes Links to other cool web sites you should go to it.

Sign my guest book!and tell me what you think
of the sight! this is a big explanation about the guest book before it
you should read it before you sign my guest book for legal reasons.
but it is mostly me yelling at so if you don't have time just
scroll past it to sign my guest book. click below to go to it:
The Guest Book

There are still non-click on facts dispersed through
out the page. So feel free to scroll

here are the land speed records for the last two years of the 1800's:

Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat on December 18, 1898 with a whopping speed of 39.4 MPH.

Camille Janaty on January 17,1899 with 41.42 MPH.

An Important Announcement
Their have been some doubting Thomases who say that the
facts on this page are all a bunch of hooie.
I would like to clarify that ever one of the facts on this page
is from a reliable source. Most are form Russell Ash's top 10 of
Everything 2000, The Discovery Channel, Trivial Pursuit,
or The Guinness Book of World Records.

An Other Equally Important Announcement
"A bunch of hooie" is a very nifity expression and I don't see
why it's not in more common usage.

In 1886 in Boston a flood killed 29 people. A flood of what?
water tower fluoride molasses Beer Tea
Now here's another useless fact:
The Hindenburg is always talked about as being the biggest air ship ever built
but the Graf Zeppelin II built by the same company in 1938 was the same size.

Seven out of every 8 Ford Explorer owners have never driven there Explorer off road.

In 1996 what what was the most expensive form of U.S. cross country
transportation? click on the answer you think is correct.
automobile train
air plane
Running like Forrest Gump

Did you know what system of measurement they use to measure the hotness of chili peppers?
It's the Scoville unit. The hottest chili pepper are: the Datil, Habanero, and Scotch Bonnet
have between 100,000 and 350,000 Scoville units. What, you have never suddenly
woken up in the middle of the night and said, "Oh my, I don't know what the unit of measurement
for chili peppers is!"

The Humor section:

Knock Knock
Who is there?
Interrupting cow
Interrupting co-

a man is bragging about his new hearing aid saying
it is the most expensive he has ever had when
his friend asks him, "What kind is it?" the man
answers, "3:45"

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Cargo who?
Cargo beep beep.

My Brother Casey's favorite Knock Knock joke:
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Dwayne who?
Dwayne the bathtub. I'm dwowning.

If runner's ge Athlete's foot what do astronuats get?
Missle toe!

What do you call a clairvoyant short person who just broke out
of prison?
A small medium at large.
Where does the King keep his Armies?
In his sleevies.

What is Green wears shades and sings?
Elvis Parsely.

Knock, Knock!
Whose there?
The little boy who can't reach the door bell.

Horse walks into a bar.
Bar tender says, "Why the Long face?"
here is a joke from my uncle Jim:


A cop saw a young woman down on her knees under a streetlight.
"Can I help you?" he asked.

Replied the woman, "I dropped my diamond ring and I'm looking for it."

Asked the cop "are you sure you dropped it right here?"

"No," she responded, "I dropped it about a block away, but the light's better here."
(Most of those jokes are from the Klutz Rubber Chicken Book.
or other joke books.)

In other news, Long neck Dinosaurs like the Brontosaurs had a second brain in their
thigh to move their legs with faster reflexes, so they really were butt-heads.

Speaking of Long neck Dinosaurs, see if you can guess which one of these is the largest
Dinosaur ever discovered. Click on the answer you think is right: Seismosaurus Supersaurus Brontosaurus Spix's Macaw

Speaking of large cumbersome dinosaurs. Did do see what happened in the presidental race. (cheap shot.)Nope, me niether, but do you know who the only
Vice President to have a Junior at the end of his name is?
Its none other than the founder of the internet Al Gore.

Which of the following has been clocked at the velocity of 334,800 mph?
Click on the answer:
the earth going around the sun A Frisbee A satellite in orbit the space shuttle landing

Did you know Venus orbit around the sun takes less then then it's rotation.
So if its Monday 1985 on Venus it will be 1986 before it is Tuesday.

The first U.S. Patent issued was to Samual Hopkins for making pot and pearl ash
on July 31, 1790. Although know to this day knows what pearl as is or way
you would want to make it.

In the 1994 film The Hudsucker Proxy Tim Robbins invents two
products that were accually both invented by what real company in the
mid 1950's. Click on your answer.
Dupont Hewlett Packard Hasbro Wham-O

Do you know What was the longest time an album took from going on the bilboard
chart to when it reached number one? It was First Take by Robeta Flack and it
took 118 weeks to reach No 1.

How Long do you think the longest canoe ever was? Click on the answer.
25 feet 45 feet 135 feet 150 feet
Did you know what the longest movie ever screened is?
It is a movie from The UK that is 48 hours long, It is called
"The Longest and Most Meaningless Movie in the World".

What is the building with the most stories?
The Petronas Towers The Sears Tower Empire State Building World Trade Center

In 1958 what do you think the U.S. Government used guided missles to deliver?
Mail, they then desided that giving postal workers guided missles wasn't the best Idea.

The largest of this was 92,419 feet long. The largest what?
click on the answer:
runway a painting a wall plane wash

Here's some World News, sort of. You know that Elian Gonzalez kid that everyone has there undies
in a twist about. Well, here my Idea we the Cuban kid gets to stay in America
and we send an America say Howard Stern to live in Cuba. Since Cuba's communist
Howard wouldn't have free speech. Accually regardless of what happens with the kid
I think we should make Howard Stern move to Cuba.

Now here is some news from wallstreet.
Did you know that Yahoo!'s stock costs 390 dollars a share?
But their web site is free to use. So how do make any money, let alone enough money
for their site to cost $390 a share? I think they are just making it up. So in keeping with
that, I have decided to sell shares for this web page for a zillion dollars a share,
I'm currently not on any stock exchange but you are welcome to send me money.

Who do you think is the only Charactor in a Shakespeare play that shares
their name with a quark the smallest form of matter? Click on your answer.
Bottem Hamlet Romeo Thesis
Speaking of bottem Whom I am playing in the school production of A Midsummer
Night's Dream here is my biography of him:

Bottom: I was born in France but then moved to England when I was five. When I was 7 I got the Black Death of Captain Baglaise (to day known as the common cold) I was quickly rushed to the Apothecary in an Ambulance push cart where they, being out of leeches they said my accent was infected and removed it. When I was ten I was simultaneously kicked in the head by a donkey and had a honey baked ham from a grocer's shelf fall on my head and have acted like them since then. While writing my auto-biography titled The most stunningly Hansom Human Being the Beginning of Time, I became short on cash so collected Ye Old Wellith Fair as an out of work actor. Ye Old caught on after a few years, and being only on page 1,007 of my auto biography I tried out for a play. After getting a huge part as rock #4 in play The Unarmed Raging Metaphor of No Rocks my name became a household word as an expression of exceptional brain power and now you can narry go any where without hearing a person calling some one a Butt-head. I then moved to Athens when Danny Scully discovered the play was actually set there instead of England. While in Athens I took up the profession of weaver on a dare. My business is fairly substantial considering I can only crochet. My true calling is acting though, I am currently playing Paramous in The Tragic Comedy Of Paramous and Thisby and am on page 842 of my sequel biography Titled: Since I Wrote the Last Book I Ate a Sandwich, Walked to the Store and Lost in a Game of Chess Against a Parakeet.

Which of these listed below created the Perental Advisory label? RCA records Janet Reneo Warner RecordsAl Gore

Which one of these people was rejected by The Augusta National Golf Club
The group that runs the infamous Masters Tournament? Bill Gates Jack Welch (of G.E.) George P. Shultz (Former secretary of state)
\ Hugh MaColl (Bank of America)

Which estemmed actor plays the only character to die in the beastee Walt
Disney film "Marry Poppins"?
Ed Wynn Navckid Keyd
Elsa Lanchester Dick Van Dyke

What were the last words ever to appear in the far side comic strip in the newspaper?
This is cool even if you get it wrong because each link has a different far side comic on it.

"And so," the interviewer asked, "do you ever have trouble coming up with ideas? "Well, sometimes," the cartoonist replied.

And Aunt Zelda all the women looked like you and Uncle Bob all the cows looked like you and there were nerdy little kids like you billy and there were monsters and stupid-looking things and animals could talk and some of it was confusing and...and...and..Oh, wow! There's no place like home.

Why, Gary, you've always had the power to go home! Just clse you eyes, quack three times, and think to yourself, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home..."

"Thanks for being my friend, Wayne."

Hi how ya doing I just needed to put something here to put a space in between the two quizes.

The Hundred Years War was the longest war of all time how long did it last?
100 years
115 years
95 years
30 years

What country has the most annual movie attenders put of it's total Population?

The United States

If you drive any were these days you will notise that there are a billion video rental stores on every block. The United states has the most video rental stores of any country on earth. But What country the secound most video rental stores on earth?
Jake Odmark

How long was Britain's shortest ever war?

one week
38 minutes
2 days
Luther Cary

As of January 1997 What was the movie to make the most profit of all time?
The Full Monty
Jurassic Park

Of the top ten energy consuming coutries which is the only one to use more Nuclear energy then any other from of power?

The United States

Okay this question has no choises you have to type in the answer you think is correct in the box below. if you are   having trouble   click to go to my web site's help section

What is the name of the auto maker who has the shortest name of all the care companies that sell cars in the United States?
Type in the car company name you think it is:
Where did the term Internet "Spam" come from?
just from the mystery food by Hormel
form a Monty Python skit
S.P.A.M. is an acronym for Specified Product Anouncing Mail
it is maps spelled backwards

In the movie Austine Powers: International Man of Mystery. You know that sceen when he is trying to play a CD on an old 45 record player, and it screeches and scares him? Well, What Artist(s) was the CD by?

Jimie Hendrix
Everything But The Girl
The Presidents of the United States of America
Ducks on Mars

(This Fact was found in a unprofessional movie review on the   IMDb   so it might not be 100% accurate but you should believe everything you read any way.)

Peter Sellers relutantly made all those increasingly less good Pink Panther Sequels so he could get enough money to make what film?
Being There
Murder by Death
A Shot In the Dark
Dr. Strangelove

What is the state with the longest name?

The Commonwealth of Vigrina
Rode Island

What comedy by Heorld Ramus was originally supposed to be a Drama?

Caddy Shack

Please sign my guest book and tell me what you think of my site.
You may have notised that this is a new guest book that is because the Evil Lycos has desided to not have my guest book work and I am sink of living under there treariny. So I got a new guest book which unforunate does not have the 37 first entrys which were in the lycos book but I guess that's the way the ball bounces.

This site has been gone to this many times

But you are the first person to go to it who was not me.

This page was created on January 18, 2000 4:30 PM instead of doing my science homework
Last updated Friday December 8.